Hygiene Tips

Drink Water and Stay Hydrated

Even though it is quite clearly becoming a matter of common knowledge among fitness circles, the importance of drinking an adequate amount of water and staying hydrated still needs to be stressed upon as often as possible because of its sheer relevance to health. The human body comprises 70% water and to keep all the cells of the body optimally functioning, one needs to maintain an intake of at least 2l of water, depending on one’s activity levels. There are numerous health benefits that arise from maintaining a routine that allows for regular and adequate intake of water throughout the day.

While the most visible and fastest manifestation of adequate hydration is in glowing and clear skin, the health benefits far surpass these cosmetic effects. Adequate hydration indeed has positive effects on all aspects of metabolism and body functioning; it is especially important for those who indulge in rigorous exercise and training. Sipping water at regular intervals during the day seems like an advice that is easy to follow, but most of us find it difficult to abide by routine without the aid of external prompts owing to our busy schedules.

In this article, we will discuss the importance of staying hydrated, tips and tricks to ensure one is drinking enough water, and the health benefits that come along with increasing the daily intake of water. The first step towards making a lifestyle change comes with the commitment to stick to a new routine. In this regard, if you want to truly keep a watch on your daily water consumption, you must adopt a sincere approach. There are many Apps that allow you to monitor daily water intake and downloading one of these is a good way to start the journey towards a more hydrated, fitter you! By using these Apps, you can also set regular reminders to drink water.

Here are more tips to ensure that you consume the required amount of water daily. It is a good idea to naturally flavor the water with fruits to give yourself a tasty and refreshing encouragement to keep sipping water from time to time. Slices of lime, cucumber, watermelon, or strawberries can be added to cold water to get a subtle flavor that you can enjoy through the day. Moreover, to ensure that you meet your daily water intake even when on the move, it is a good idea to carry your own recyclable and reusable bottle wherever you go. The number of refills will keep providing a track of how much water you have drunk! Trust us, these tips indeed go a long way in streamlining and optimizing your water intake. With these tips, we are sure that you cannot go wrong and start a healthier routine right away. Go on, hydrate your way to health!